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Joanne Rogan

The Magic of Playing with Your Child

(And the guilt of not wanting to)

What might make it challenging for adults?


When you work, look after a house-hold and take care of the day to day needs of the family, it can be difficult to find time or energy to play with your children.

Poor Sleep

If your child does not sleep well, it can disrupt everyone in the household. Understandably, you're tired and perhaps a little grumpy. The last thing you want to do is sit down and have a pretend tea party or play superheroes in the backyard.

Past Childhood Experiences

Not all parents had a wonderful, nurturing childhood. Perhaps your parents for whatever reason didn't play with you so you're unsure how to play with your child? Or maybe your home did not feel safe and the opportunities to play were limited. For some parents, they might have spent long periods of their childhood in hospital or being a young carer, looking after other family members.

Difficulty Connecting With Your Child

Sometimes the temperament of the child and that of the parent is so different or so alike, that there is often arguing or difficulty being on 'the same wavelength'. You might have a baby or toddler who cries a lot. Perhaps you had a traumatic pregnancy, birth or recovery and connecting emotionally is challenging. Maybe being a mum was never part of your plan? Maybe your child has health or developmental issues that challenge your connection? Perhaps your child likes playing things that just do not interest you?

Not Yet Knowing the Benefits and Value of Play

That's ok. Many people do not. In our busy society where our children are encouraged to grow up and learn academically as soon as possible it can be easy to think that play takes up valuable learning time. Keep reading to find out what play really is all about.

Play = the foundation skills for academic learning, building relationships and emotional wellbeing.

What Are the Benefits of Play?

Play is how children learn about themselves and the world. We know it is much easier to learn something when we are in a good headspace, relaxed and having fun. If you were in any doubt about the usefulness of play, have a look at the following list and notice how these are the foundation skills for academic learning, building relationships and emotional wellbeing.

If you're not ready to play, start by being playful.

Need more information or support?

Want to know what toys and materials are great for children and won't break the bank?

I invite you to contact me to book a confidential and non-judgemental chat about any roadblocks you are having when it comes to playing with your young child.

Take care,



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