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Counselling outdoors around Camden with Counsellor Jo

Joanne Rogan
Feb 7, 20244 min read
Supporting a child in your class when they return to school after their parent or sibling has died
Do you work in a school? would you like some tips on how to support a bereaved child? If yes, read on...

Joanne Rogan
Jun 6, 20232 min read
Why does my child cheat and lie when playing games?
Some brief information about why it is common for children to cheat when playing games plus some strategies to help them change their ways.

Joanne Rogan
Mar 13, 20234 min read
Supporting young children when a grandparent has dementia
Tips and considerations when supporting a child whose grandparent has dementia.

Joanne Rogan
Jan 30, 20233 min read
First Day of Kindergarten
The link between a parent's childhood experiences of school and those of their child.

Joanne Rogan
Jan 11, 20233 min read
The link between counselling and home renovating
A metaphor for inquisitive and hard-working parents ready to work on themselves to support their child.

Joanne Rogan
Dec 19, 20224 min read
Tips to help your young child limit meltdowns on Christmas Day
Some things to consider in the lead up to Christmas with young children.

Joanne Rogan
Dec 8, 20221 min read
Making Memory Baubles with Children who are Grieving at Christmas
A crafty activity to support children who are grieving a loved one at Christmas.

Joanne Rogan
Oct 4, 20224 min read
Tips for supporting a child nervous about school camp
Common things children worry about when facing their first school camp and tips for parents and teachers to support them to participate.

Joanne Rogan
Aug 31, 20222 min read
6 Fun Family Games to Build Connection
Strengthening family connection and children's social skills with fun games.

Joanne Rogan
Aug 20, 20224 min read
Supporting children when a parent is terminal
Some ideas to support young children when their parent is dying.

Joanne Rogan
Aug 16, 20223 min read
What might be causing a child to avoid or dislike school?
There are many reasons why a child might be anxious about school or even refusing to go.

Joanne Rogan
Jul 1, 20221 min read
Wet Weather Holiday Activities
Printable sheet of wet weather activities.

Joanne Rogan
Jun 22, 20222 min read
The Magic of Playing with Your Child
The benefits and value of play and why it is not always comfortable for parents to do with their children.

Joanne Rogan
May 25, 20222 min read
What does executive functioning mean?
What are executive functioning skills? What is working memory? What is slow processing speed? How can I help?

Joanne Rogan
Jan 26, 20221 min read
Tips for Testing Children for COVID
Who would have though back in 2020 that in 2022 we would still be dealing with the COVID pandemic with such intensity. Anyone else want...

Joanne Rogan
Dec 21, 20213 min read
Surviving Christmas when it doesn't feel merry
Ideas for when grieving at Christmas.

Joanne Rogan
Oct 3, 20212 min read
My child doesn't want to go back to school after lockdown
Many children and adults in Greater Sydney are very excited about returning to school soon. By the time children return, it will have...

Joanne Rogan
Sep 26, 20211 min read
When will it be over?
Giving children HOPE during a pandemic Over the past school term, fully in lockdown, I've had many children and adults ask me this...

Joanne Rogan
Sep 20, 20211 min read
Nurture with Nature
There is increasing scientific evidence pointing to the benefits of nature on mood, health and creativity. Nature is full of amazing...

Joanne Rogan
Sep 13, 20212 min read
10 Ideas for people who need to move to calm down
Often when people think of calm-down activities they think of things that involve quiet and stillness. This is exactly what many people...
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